The garden is growing! We're taking our celebrations of science, art and nature on tour with the support of an award from the Wellcome Trust.
We had a great time bringing Sandscape to Bournemouth Arts by the Sea Festival in October. Our workshop participants became expert sand sculptors, crafting buildings, trees, factories and even sports stadiums!

And while they were getting their hands sandy, they were also considering what makes a healthy city. With the help of scientists from the Met Office and the University of Exeter, they explored the influence of weather and climate, from pollen to pollution and urban heat islands.

Sandscape was produced by Green Man’s Einstein’s Garden in collaboration with scientists from the Met Office and the University of Exeter and sand sculptors from Sand In Your Eye. It was supported by the Met Office and the Wellcome Trust, and was first presented in Einstein’s Garden at Green Man 2015. Discover the full story on our Projects page: